A Sustainable World is Possible!

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What is Microplastic? How Does It Affect the Ecosystem?

Microplastics are microscopic plastic particles that are broken into small pieces by various processes and are generally used in cosmetic products. Even the smallest plastic waste we leave to nature breaks down after a certain period of time and turns into microplastic particles. Particles that crumble into smaller particles can easily mix with natural water resources and wastewater. This can become dangerous for the health of larger creatures and our environment.

Wherever we look, it is possible to encounter microplastics in every aspect of our lives. It can be found in cosmetic products, the clothes we wear, the bags we use while shopping, shampoos, medical drugs and even some foods. These particles, which we cannot see with the naked eye, are included in almost all the products we use and leave microplastic waste in the environment. Unfortunately, Turkey is one of the leading plastic producing countries. Despite this intense consumption, as a society, serious measures are not taken regarding the controlled consumption of plastic. As a brand, we are aware of the importance of products in the cosmetics industry, in which we are involved, having microplastic-free formulations, and we take care to develop our work in this direction. So, if you ask what the negative effects of these microplastics used in cosmetics are on the ecosystem and human health, let us explain for you.

Effects of Using Microplastic in Cosmetic Products

1) Environmental Impacts

Microplastics cause environmental pollution and damage to ecosystems. Due to its microscopic size, it spreads into water systems, seas and oceans and affects aquatic life. Aquatic creatures that mistake microplastics for food and eat them may be poisoned or become engorged in these particles. This creates negative effects throughout the food chain and eventually affects human health. Toxins coming through these substances can penetrate the entire body of living things. Thus, the possibility of creatures that feed on fish, including humans, to ingest toxins increases.

2)Health Risks

Although research on the effects of microplastics on human health continues, allergic reactions and long-term health problems have been observed in some of them.

3)Protection of Natural Resources

Microplastics are a byproduct of petroleum-based plastics. Therefore, microplastic-free choices contribute to the protection of natural resources. Using microplastic-free cosmetic products reduces oil consumption and alleviates the plastic waste problem.

4)Existence of Alternatives

As microplastic-free cosmetic products become increasingly common, various brands and manufacturers are developing alternative ingredients to respond to this demand. There are products available that have natural and biodegradable or organic ingredients. These products offer an environmentally friendly and sustainable option. As a result, microplastic-free choices support environmental sustainability, protect natural resources, reduce health risks and prevent environmental pollution. Therefore, it is important to choose cosmetic products that do not contain microplastics.

What Do We Do?

Since the first day of our establishment, we have been developing our work with a sustainable approach for a better world. We want to leave a more livable world to future generations, and in this context, while reducing our carbon footprint with our waste innovations, we take care to establish partnerships for goals and develop projects under different sustainable development goals.

We encourage our users to responsible production & consumption. In line with waste reduction, we use only FSC certified papers obtained from industrial trees in order to prevent deforestation in box production.

It is up to all of us to leave a sustainable future to future generations. So what are you doing for a sustainable world?

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