Information Security Policies

Information Security Policy

Date : 19.09.2022

Turned Cosmetics Ltd. Sti. to protect the data used or emerged during the realization of all our business processes together with our main fields of activity in supply, production, sales, marketing and e-commerce, in accordance with the principles of information security standards accepted by the applicable national or international laws and regulations, and to take all necessary measures in this regard. We are aware that we are responsible for taking. Within this understanding, it has implemented the necessary information security management systems within the institution by taking legal and administrative measures;

  • Continuous improvement and awareness of information security,
  • The participation of all our employees and business partners,
  • With the aim of protecting all physical and electronic data processed and obtained

We are committed to continuing.

Based on the principles of Confidentiality, Integrity and Accessibility of data security, on the basis of the KVK Law, personal data and special data classifications;

• Necessary authorization and task definitions will be made within the scope of information security.

• An Information Systems Management Strategy will be established.

• Compliance with Information Security Standards and relevant legal regulations will be ensured.

• Threats and threats to these assets through the Asset and Data Inventories created

vulnerabilities and risks will be identified and managed.

• Continuously review the Information Security Management System and KVKK compliance.

will be implemented and improved.

• Technical and behavioral integrity to increase Information Security awareness

training will be provided.

• Sub-policies will be determined to support our basic information security policy.

• The Plan, Do, Check and Act lifecycle will be implemented.

• All responsibility units will act with information security awareness. Responsibility

will create and implement information security plans for