Sürdürülebilir Bir Dünya Mümkün!
A Sustainable World is Possible!

As Lakani Beauty, we are aware of our responsibility towards the ecosystem. We always work to maintain our comm...

Posted on November 02, 2023
Akne (Sivilce) Nedir? Neden Oluşur?
What is Acne? Why Does It Occur?

Acne is a type of skin disease that occurs on the skin. Acne, which usually begins in adolescence, occurs as a ...

Posted on November 02, 2023
Cilt Tonu Eşitsizliği Nedir?
What is Skin Tone Inequality?

Today we are here to enlighten and color you on your skin beauty journey. Today's topic is "Skin Tone Inequalit...

Posted on November 02, 2023